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Human Resources Policies

Adverse weather conditions transport disruption policy

Adverse weather conditions transport disruption policy Equality and Health Impact Assessment.

Annual Leave and Bank Holiday Policy

Annual Leave Purchase Scheme - Approval Form

Annual Leave Purchase Calculation

Annual Leave Purchase Scheme FAQs

Annual Leave and Bank Holiday Policy EqHIA

Appendix A Employment Break Scheme
Breastfeeding Guidelines

Breastfeeding Guidelines Equality Health Impact Assessment 

Capability Policy

All Wales Capability Policy Equality Impact Assessment

This Policy is applicable to all staff employed in Public Health Wales, except Medical and Dental staff.  Medical and Dental staff should refer to the Professional Conduct/Competence for Medical Staff Policy.

Staff should contact the People and Organisational Development team for template letters.

Death in Service Guidelines

Death in Service Guidelines Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure

Disciplinary Policy and Procedure Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Delegation of authority: Issuing warnings and dismissals

Employer Pension Contributions – Alternative Payment Policy
Employing Ex-Offenders and People with a Criminal Record Policy

Employing Ex-Offenders and People with a Criminal Record Policy Equality Health Impact Assessment 

Employment Break Scheme (All Wales)

Appendix A: Employment Break Scheme

Family Leave Policy

Family Leave Procedure

Template Equality & Health Impact Assessment for Health policy

Maternity Leave Form

Adoption Leave Form

Notice to Curtail or Reduce Maternity or Adoption Leave

Risk Assessment - New and Expectant Mothers

Paternity Leave Parental Support Leave form

Return to Work following Maternity Adoption Shared Parental Leave

How to apply for Shared Parental Leave and Shared Parental Pay

Shared Parental Leave FAQs

Staff should also visit the Being a Parent pages [NHS Wales Intranet]

Flexible Working Policy

The purpose of the policy is to advise staff of different flexible working options available and their rights in respect of flexible working.

Flexible Working Policy Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Flexible Working Request Form



Learning and Development Policy

Learning and Development Policy EHIA

Managing Attendance at Work Policy

Sickness absence Self Certification Form

Managing Attendance at Work Policy Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Delegation of Authority for Sickness

Managing Attendance at Work Templates [NHS Intranet]

Managing Attendance at Work Policy FAQs

NHS Wales COVID-19 Sickness Absence Arrangements Post July 2022 v3 Amended December 2022

Managing the Expiry of Fixed Term Contracts Procedure
Medical Appraisal Policy (All Wales)

Medical Appraisal (All Wales) Equality Health Impact Assessment 

Menopause policy

Menopause Policy Equality Impact Assessment

Mental Wellbeing Policy

Mental Wellbeing Policy Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Appropriate agencies for signposting

Working Together to Reduce Stress at Work

Workplace Stress Risk Assessment Form

Guidance for managers in supporting the disclosure of mental health problems by employees

Mobilisation Procedure- To Support Enhanced Or Major Incident Response
My Contribution Policy

My Contribution - Equality and Health Impact Assessment (EHIA)

NHS Confederation Supporting Colleagues with Long COVID-19 to Return to Work
NHS Injury Allowance Guidelines
Organisational Change Policy

Organisational Change Policy Equality Impact Assessment

Pay Progression Policy (New)

Pay Progression Policy Equality and Health Impact Assessment

See the About Pay Progression intranet page [NHS Wales] for more information and guidance.

Pension Tax Guidance and Pensions Advisory Salary Sacrifice Scheme
Personal Relationships at Work Policy

Personal Relationships at Work Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Recruitment and Retention Payment protocol with EQIA

For information on how to recruit to a post, please refer to the Recruitment intranet pages [NHS Wales].

Recruitment and Selection Policy

Incremental Credit Application Form

Incremental Credit and Starting Salary Guidance

Redeployment policy

Redeployment Procedure

Redeployment Equality, Health Impact Assessment 

Registration for Health professionals policy

Validating Professional Registration Procedure

Registration For Health Professionals Equality and Health Impact Assessment


Religious Observation Guidelines

Religious Observation Guidelines Equality and Health Impact Assessment

Relocation Expenses Scheme

Relocation Expenses Scheme Equality, Health Impact Assessment

Reserve Forces Policy

See the Armed Forces Covenant intranet page [NHS Wales] for more information and guidance.

Respect and Resolution Policy (All Wales)

Public Health Wales will not tolerate any form of bullying and harassment which occurs at work and out of the workplace, and will take all practicable steps to avoid and eliminate it. This includes homophobic, biphobic, transphobic, racial, religious, cultural, disability-related or age-related abuse, or abuse related to sex or gender identity/expression.   

Behaviour which may be described as bullying and/or harassment is not conducive to the provision of effective healthcare services and can undermine the confidence and performance of employees. It can also affect their physical and mental health and wellbeing and lead to absenteeism. The effects of poor relations between individuals can be felt across Public Health Wales and ultimately can have an impact on the care provided to patients.

Anyone needing help in having a difficult conversation or in resolving an issue is asked to contact

Retire and Return Scheme

PHW-SCD12 Retire and Return Appendix 4: Application Form

Return and Retire Scheme EHIA

Retirement Procedure

Retirement Procedure Equality and Health Impact Assessment


Secondment Policy

Secondment Application Form.

Special Leave Policy

This policy covers arrangements for additional leave at times of urgent and unforeseen need, such as emergency carers leave or bereavement leave. It also covers civil and public duties such as jury service.

Application for Special Leave

Substance Misuse (drugs and alcohol) Policy

Substance Misuse (drugs and alcohol) Policy EQIA

Time off in Lieu TOIL Procedure

Time off in Lieu (TOIL) Equality Health Impact Assessment 

Trans Inclusion Policy

Trans Inclusion EHIA

Transitioning at work guidance
Voluntary early release scheme

The Voluntary Early Release Scheme has been designed as an enabling tool to support the flexibility of NHS Wales organisations in addressing the demands of rapid change and service re-design.

Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Voluntary Early Release Scheme

Voluntary Early Release Scheme Application Form

Work How It Works Best- Agile Working Policy

Work How It Works Best - Agile Working Policy EHIA