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Official statistics show long term decrease in age-adjusted rate of cancer deaths but increased deprivation gap

The latest official statistics from Public Health Wales show that the rate of cancer deaths, when adjusted for age, has declined by more than 16 per cent between 2002 and 2022. 

Online hub to provide public health guidance for healthcare professionals

Public Health Wales’ Health Protection Team have launched a new online hub to help health professionals with advice and guidance on health protection issues and making notifications of infectious diseases. 

International evidence suggests tackling the underlying causes of early year's poverty is key to improve short and long-term health outcomes

2.46 million children under the age of 15 are living in relative income poverty in the UK. Poverty rates have remained high in Wales over the past two decades with children consistently at the highest risk of living in poverty of any age group.

Two thirds of public unaware of life-saving whooping cough vaccine for pregnant women

The latest results from Public Health Wales’ Time to Talk Public Health panel survey shows that 65 per cent of the public are unaware that pregnant women are eligible for vaccination against pertussis (whooping cough).

The COVID-19 spring booster

The Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) have announced that a COVID-19 spring booster vaccine should be offered.

New resources available to help the primary care workforce promote healthier behaviours

Public Health Wales’ Primary Care Division has launched the first two products in a series of resources to help staff in primary care have conversations to support people to adopt healthier behaviours.

MMR vaccination urged amid rising concern over measles

Public Health Wales is urging parents and guardians to ensure their children are fully vaccinated against measles and are up to date with their other childhood immunisations.

Tooth decay rates in children in Wales fall, but issues remain

Dental public health experts at Public Health Wales have welcomed the findings from a recent child dental health inspection programme which shows that the proportion of young children in Wales with experience of tooth decay has continued to fall since the start of reporting in 2007/08. 

Unaffordable housing risks harming health and well-being in Wales

In a new report, Public Health Wales highlights how the cost of living crisis is making homes less affordable for more people and how this is impacting on their health.  

Whooping Cough vaccination urged as cases rise rapidly in Wales

Public health experts in Wales are encouraging all pregnant women and parents of babies and young children to ensure that they have had their Pertussis (Whooping Cough) vaccinations as cases in Wales show rapid increase in recent weeks.