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Prison Healthcare Teams in Wales

A large Multi-disciplinary team (MDT) must work together within a prison in order to meet the needs of this population. Our work in Public Health Wales involves collaborating with healthcare professionals within these teams. Below are useful links regarding some professions represented within these teams, this list is not exhaustive.

General Practitioners

Primary care teams within prisons are usually lead by a team of general practitioners. 

We work closely with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Secure Environments Group (SEG) who have published a number of resources to support GPs in prison settings

We have partnered with RCGP Wales to run study sessions on subjects such as substance use, end of life care and hepatitis C in prisons in Wales.


“It’s never predictable and no day is the same” Nursing Times (2018).

Prison nursing is a lesser known career. Nurses with backgrounds in adult health, mental health, learning difficulties and child and adolescent health all fulfil roles throughout the prison estate in Wales.

The Public Health Wales Health and Justice team is nurse lead, we work collaboratively with partners from each prison establishment from both health and justice backgrounds. Additionally, we work with external partners from HMPPS, Welsh Government, Public Health England, NHS England, Royal College of Nursing and many more.