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Welsh Language

Public Health Wales is proud to be a bilingual organisation.

Welsh Language Legislation

Under the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011, the NHS in Wales has a statutory duty to deliver their services to the public in both Welsh and English.  

This legislation gives the Welsh language official status in Wales, and reinforces the principle that the Welsh language should not be treated less favourably than the English language in Wales.

The Measure states that individuals in Wales should be able to conduct their lives through the medium of Welsh if they choose to do so.

Since 30 May 2019, Public Health Wales is subject to the Welsh Language Standards set by the Welsh Language Commissioner under Section 44 of the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011.

Our Compliance Notice comprises four categories of Standards:

  • Service Delivery Standards - their aim is to promote and facilitate the use of Welsh in service provision and to ensure that the Welsh language is not treated less favourably than the English language.
  • Policy Making Standards - these Standards require decision-makers to consider the effect that their decision-making may have on people's opportunities to use Welsh and on treating the Welsh language no less favourably than the English language.
  • Operational Standards - these Standards deal with the way in which Public Health Wales uses Welsh internally and promotes the concept of a bilingual workplace, affording employees some rights in relation to receiving their HR Service in Welsh.
  • Record Keeping Standards – these Standards deal with data and recording systems relating to the other Standards.

More Than Just Words

More than just words is the Welsh Government’s Strategic Framework for the Welsh Language in Health and Social Care. Its aim is:

  • to ensure that the language needs of Welsh speakers are met
  • to provide Welsh language services for those who need it
  • to demonstrate that language plays an important part in the quality of care and isn’t seen as an “add-on”.

As an NHS organisation, Public Health Wales has a responsibility to support the Welsh Government to achieve these aims. 

Welsh Language Standards Annual Reports

This is our fifth report and reports on the financial year from 1/4/2023 to 31/03/2024.  Copies of our previous annual reports are available by contacting the Welsh Language Team on the email below.

Additional documents and links

Clinical Consultation Plan

Internal Use of Welsh policy

Public Health Wales Compliance Notice

The Welsh Language Standards (No. 7) Regulations 2018


Public Health Wales takes all complaints seriously, and we welcome complaints made in Welsh. Your complaint will not be treated less favourably than a complaint in English.

If you would like to make a complaint about our compliance with the Welsh language standards, please visit the Complaints page on our website.

Alternative you can contact the Welsh Language Team directly at:

You also have a right to direct any complaints relating to the Welsh language to the Welsh Language Commissioner.

The Welsh Language Team at Public Health Wales

The Welsh Language team promotes the use of the Welsh Language within Public Health Wales.  We support the organisation to work bilingually and to comply with Welsh Language legislation.

Our work includes supporting departments to develop Welsh language services, supporting staff who are learning or developing their Welsh skills and supporting our teams to ensure that Public Health Wales offers the best service possible to the public in Wales.

If you have any questions regarding the Welsh Language at Public Health Wales, please contact us: