Education in Wales is undergoing significant reform which includes a purpose-led, process-orientated Curriculum for Wales, currently in its second year of implementation. This includes Health and Well-being as an Area of Learning and Experience.
Health and Well-being is a broad and dynamic area of the curriculum, however, the expertise to implement this area (from design through to delivery) is not necessarily already embedded within schools. In response, Public Health Wales Educational Settings team has established a time-limited Health and Well-being Curriculum Project that brings together the Health and Education sectors to co-construct curriculum toolkits and resources for schools to develop and deliver key health and well-being themes as part of the Health and Well-being Area of Learning and Experience.
The curriculum project aims to:
The project team have, alongside partners in health and education, identified four themes for initial focus and are co-constructing toolkits and resources to support learning.
The curriculum toolkits have been developed following the principles of curriculum design and identify what is important to and for the learner. Key messages identify what we want learners to understand (and why), demonstrate and value. The toolkits also identify opportunities for transferable learning across themes and within wider topics and the key concepts contained within the Health and Well-being as well as other Areas of Learning and Experience.
As the curriculum toolkits develop, they will be published on this site. Each toolkit takes the following format:
All resources have been designed to be used flexibly and should be adapted to meet the identified needs of learners within the context of the school. Practitioners should consider whether the content of the toolkit and resources are developmentally appropriate for the learner.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank the following schools for their help and support in developing this toolkit.
Whitestone Primary School
Pontypridd High School
Eastern High School
Raglan CiW VC Primary School
Pontypridd High School
Ysgol Bro Gwaun
Pembrokeshire Learning Centre and the Behaviour Service
Ysgol Trimsaran