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Wider Determinants of Health Unit

The Wider Determinants of Health are the social, economic, environmental, and structural factors that affect health, well-being, and health inequalities. Key determinants include:

Our long-term strategy sets out our vision for achieving a healthier future by 2035, which we will do by focusing of six strategic priorities. Influencing the wider determinants of health is one of the priorities. The Well-being of Future Generations Act (2015) provides a common framework for addressing the wider determinants of health.

The Wider Determinants of Health Unit

Many teams across Public Health Wales seek to influence the wider determinants of health, locally and nationally. In order to increase our impact, the Wider Determinants of Health Unit was established in 2019 as part of the Health and Wellbeing Directorate.

The unit’s mission is to maximise the influence of the public health system by translating evidence, building capacity and coordinating networks of influence. It is a small team of practitioners, coordinators and administrative staff.

For more information on the wider determinants of health or the unit please contact us by email at:

Public Health Network Cymru

The unit is home to Public Health Network Cymru, a network with over 2,500 members across Wales. The aim of the Network is to inform, facilitate, and create connections for those working in public, private, and third sectors in order to improve population health and wellbeing in Wales.


Health Foundation Shaping Healthier Places for Well-being in Wales Programme

Working in partnership with Health Board Executive Directors of Public Health, Welsh Government and the Future Generations Commissioner's Office, the unit is leading on delivering a multi-year, Health Foundation funded programme which aims to support Public Services Boards in Wales to apply theory and evidence-informed systems approaches to influencing the wider determinants of health.