Maternal Age related rates for 10,000, Edward Syndrome
Down Syndrome, Edwards and Patau Syndrome rate per 10,000 total births by Maternal Age group, Wales. 1998-2021
Prev. of Fallot's Tetralogy, 1998-00 to 2019-2021 (three year rolling counts and rates)
Prevalance of congenital cystic adematoid formation of lung, (1998-00 to 2019-2021 (three year rolling counts and rates)
Prevalance of Gastroschisis, 1998-00to 2019-2021 (three year rolling counts and rates)
Congenital Hearing Loss, rates per 10,000 live births, Wales 2004*-2021
NTD Defects, Wales 1998-2021
Prevalance of Neural Tube Defects, 1998 to 2019-21 (three year rolling counts and rates)
Neural Tube Defect cases by WIMD fifth, rate per 10,000 births, Wales, 2012-2021
Prevalence of multicystic dysplastic kidney, 1998-00 to 2-19-2021 (three year rolling counts)