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Health Protection E-Learning for Social Care Staff


This series of E-Learning modules is specifically for social care and domiciliary care staff, focusing on key topics and issues within Health Protection.


The first module will provide an overview of Acute Respiratory Infections (ARIs), including appropriate management, updated testing and visiting guidance for care & residential settings, as well as vaccination procedures. This module aims to highlight key changes for Autumn/Winter 2023, whilst reinforcing best practice.


The second module will focus on outbreak management, providing an overview of management principles, essential information for any type of outbreak, as well as specifically focusing on outbreaks of Scabies and Norovirus.


This module will focus on the impact of climate change on the healthcare system, specifically in social care. The content will also provide information on decarbonisation plans, information on sustainable procurement and appropriate use of PPE to minimise waste.


The fourth instalment in this series will provide valuable information on C. difficile infection, including the appropriate diagnosis, treatment and appropriate IPC measures, including decontamination, during an outbreak. There will also be opportunity to learn more about antimicrobial stewardship and appropriate use of antibiotics.


The fifth and final module in the series looks at a range of common health concerns affecting the older adult. This module looks at the identification, treatment, and practice around mouthcare, incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD), moisture lesions, vaccinations, sexual health, sensory awareness, and foot care.