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Values Based Appraisal - Self Assessment

This self-assessment tool  is designed to help you reflect and consider the questions that might be discussed during your appraisal and give you and your manager a starting point for the discussion.

You need to answer the questions honestly around eight areas;

  • Your desire or ambition to develop yourself, either within your current role or in another area,
  • How well you are currently performing in your work role, including whether you are enthusiastic and motivated to complete the tasks needed,
  • Whether now is the right time for you to take on new challenges and demands that would come with developing your skills or role – are you
    ready now, or would it be better to wait,
  • Whether you have the current skills necessary to fulfil your current role or develop new skills and how freely you use your expertise to offer support to other colleagues,
  • To what extent you ‘live’ the Health Board’s values and behaviours when interacting with your team and other stakeholders and to what extent you demonstrate those values to meet your objectives
  • How you use your values and behaviours to develop relationships with internal colleagues and external stakeholders.   
  • Your motivation to offer ideas about how to make improvements in work, lead change and encourage others to continually improve.
  • The way that you feel about your skills, abilities, appearance and behaviour and whether you trust that you can complete tasks to a good standard

Once you click on ‘see my results’; this will produce an image like the diagram below, which you should print and take to your Values Based Appraisal meeting for discussion.  Your manager will simply ask you to tell them about the image and it is an opportunity for you both to discuss the areas covered.  Your opinions may be different from your manager’s but you cannot get the answers wrong.  This is just a starting point for a conversation with your manager about how they can support you to get to where you want and need to be.


LED VBA Self-assessment Example


There is not a target to reach on the scales.  If your results appear above the orange line in all the areas, you may want to think about focussed development and progression.

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