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Office 365 Training

To help you make the most of the suite of Office 365 applications available a number of live events have been set up for colleagues across NHS Wales. ​

If you’re not sure how the Teams mobile app differs from the desktop version, want patients to book their own appointments or just want to get an idea of how an application can help you then get signed up! ​

Events will take place 9:00am – 9:50am everyday and joining links for events are available on the Home Page of Connecting NHS Wales Learning Pathways 

16th Nov​

17th Nov​

18th Nov

19th Nov​

20th Nov​

Microsoft Teams – Intro

Microsoft Bookings 

Microsoft Forms

Microsoft Teams - Intro

Microsoft Teams Mobile 

23rd Nov​

24th Nov​

25th Nov​

26th Nov​

27th Nov​

Teams Breakout Rooms

Microsoft Forms 

Microsoft Bookings 

Microsoft Yammer

Microsoft Teams Mobile

Microsoft Teams – advanced

30th Nov​

1st Dec​

2nd Dec​

3rd Dec​

4th Dec ​

Microsoft Bookings 

Teams Breakout Rooms

Microsoft Teams Mobile 

Microsoft Forms 

Microsoft Yammer

Microsoft Bookings