There are many free online resources to help you get and keep active at this time and lots of organisations that specialise in the most common health conditions have webpages dedicated to keeping active safely. We have provided links to websites that have collected the best and safest tools that are free for you to use.
These resources cover a range of abilities and health conditions so please take a look. We hope that there is something that you will enjoy.
You may have some tips to share on how you motivate yourself to exercise that other people would find useful and if you know of other free tools that have worked for you, please let us know, we’ll share them with others. It would be great to capture all the enthusiasm and creativity out there keeping people across Wales physically active and share it with as many of you as possible.
Here are a few things that others have told us work for them:
- Writing a plan that you can (if you want to) share with others, saying what you’re going to do and where you’re going to do it (e.g. setting a route for a walk, run or cycle ride, close to home)
- Mixing it up a little - think of activities that keep you interested and bring aerobic, strength and flexibility benefits. There are some great ideas in the links below.
- Preparing for the days when you don’t feel like exercising! What might get in the way of exercising or mean that you sit in the same place for too long? Can you find ways of changing things to make sure that this doesn’t happen?
- Checking in with other people - commit to doing something today and then tell them when you’ve done it. It is great to get even a “virtual” round of applause on your achievement (or even some moral support if you don’t quite hit your target!)
Here are some websites that have useful resources and advice:
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