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Section 1 - Introduction

Our vision, across the national screening programmes in Wales, is that everyone eligible for screening has equitable access and opportunity to take up their screening offer, using reliable information to make a personal informed choice.  

This is our second Screening Inequity Report, updating on actions described in our Equity Strategy and bringing together data from across the different programmes with a specific focus on inequity.  

The description of actions included in the report is up to date as of August 2023 when the report was finalised, and are structured around the Key Areas defined in the Equity Strategy.  

This report also presents data on those invited for screening from April 2021 to March 2022. Allowing participants six months to take up their offer of screening, this reflects uptake/coverage as of October 2022. Again this year the data presented focuses on the determinants and demographic factors that are currently collected within our routine data collection. As our data collection and understanding of inequities in screening develops, we aim to expand the range of factors explored within this report and are working on expanding the range of measures that we can include. As an evolving document we welcome feedback on the content and layout to inform future versions, and have updated this report as a result of feedback from the report published in 2022.