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This section contains statistical information on the  performance of the  Breast Test Wales screening programme against key national indicators.

This information is complied annually by the Screening Informatics Team.  It contains information on Coverage, Screening Activity, Uptake, Assessment and Cancer Detection rates.  Other specific reports related to Breast Screening are  added as and when published.

Programme Reports

Breast Test Wales produce an annual statistical report on the screening programme. The report includes a variety of statistics including information on the number of women who take part in screening, what the results are, and how many women need to go on for further investigation.


Uptake / Coverage by Local Authority and Health Board

Uptake / Coverage is presented here by Local Authority and Health Board.  The reports also present uptake by deprivation quintile and by gender if applicable, helping to illustrate any inequities in uptake between the groups.


Uptake by GP Cluster

Health boards have formally developed arrangements for small groups of GP practices to work collaboratively to develop services in the community, serving populations of between 30 and 50 thousand patients. These GP clusters work together and with partners to meet local need. To support the work of the clusters, screening uptake / coverage is presented here at GP cluster level.


Maps of uptake / coverage by LSOA

The maps present uptake / coverage of screening by Lower Layer Super Output Area (LSOA). Each LSOA has between 1000 and 3000 people resident.