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Bowel Screening Key Messages



― About the test
What you can do


If you are aged 50-74, this information is for you. 
  • Doing your bowel screening kit reduces your risk of dying from bowel cancer by finding cancer early. 
  • People aged 50 to 74 are invited to take part in bowel screening every two years.


About the test

  • Bowel screening is carried out in your own home. 
  • When you are due for screening you will be sent a bowel screening kit.
  • The information leaflet will help you decide if you would like to take part. 
  • The test looks for hidden blood in your poo sample. If blood is found, you will be invited for further tests. 
  • If you have lost your test kit, made a mistake or have any concerns please contact the helpline. 
  • Like all medical tests, bowel screening is not 100% accurate.


What you can do

  • Take part in bowel screening every two years.
  • Attend follow-ups if you are invited. 
  • Eat a balanced diet, be active, stop smoking, drink less alcohol and keep a healthy weight. 
  • It is important to visit your GP if you notice blood in your poo, a change in your bowel habits, unexplained weight loss, a pain or lump in your tummy or extreme tiredness.

To find out more contact the Freephone helpline: 0800 294 3370