You can also get information about screening tests from your midwife or your hospital doctor (your obstetrician) and from the Antenatal Screening Wales website.
If you move home during your pregnancy, please tell your midwife so that they can update your medical records.
The quality of the screening offered by the NHS in Wales is monitored. Some women pay privately to have screening tests. Screening done by private clinics is not monitored by the NHS. This means that your midwife will have no information about the quality and accuracy of any screening tests carried out by private clinics.
CARIS collects information about congenital anomalies and rare diseases. The information held on the CARIS register is strictly confidential. We will never pass your name to anyone else or publish it.
We hope everyone will want to be included to help us plan and improve services for future parents and children. If you would like us to remove your details from the register, please contact the CARIS team.
The information held on the CARIS register is strictly confidential. We will never pass your name to anyone else or publish it.
Website: About CARIS - Public Health Wales
Phone: 01792 285241