The term safeguarding is used to define actions taken to protect vulnerable groups from harm. Safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and young people is 'everybody’s business' and health agencies have an essential role in ensuring that children and families receive the appropriate care, support and services they need in order to promote the health and development of children.
Due to the universal nature of the provision of health services, health professionals are often the first to identify families that are experiencing difficulties in looking after their children. Therefore the contribution of health professionals is vital at all stages of work with children and families.
Safeguarding adults is concerned with protecting those at risk of abuse/harm (adult at risk) from suffering abuse or neglect. It includes measures to prevent abuse and to protect people's health, wellbeing and human rights, and enable them to live free from harm, abuse and neglect.
Abuse can happen anywhere. It can happen at home, in a residential or nursing home, in a hospital, in higher education at work or in the street. It can be intentional or unintentional.
The person who is responsible for the abuse is often well known to the person abused. They could be:
Wales Safeguarding Procedures detail the essential roles and responsibilities for practitioners to ensure that they safeguard children and adults who are at risk of abuse and neglect. The procedures replace the All Wales Child Protection Procedures and Wales Interim Policy and Procedures for the Protection of Vulnerable Adults from Abuse. They help practitioners apply the legislation Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 and statutory safeguarding guidance Working Together to Safeguard People.
The procedures apply to all practitioners and managers working in Wales, whether employed by a devolved or non-devolved agency, and whether in paid or unpaid work.
The procedures are not designed to be printed they are digital and are available for via the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. They can also be viewed in English at and in Welsh at