The health consequences of tobacco smoking are well documented and smoking is still the largest cause of avoidable early death in Wales. In 2010, approximately 5,450 deaths in people aged 35 and over were caused by smoking, which is nearly 1 in 5 of all deaths in this age group
Ref: Public Health Wales Observatory (2012) Tobacco and health in Wales. Cardiff: Public Health Wales
Smoking and exposure to second hand smoke has a significant impact on the health of employees and the performance of an organisation. Currently, about 19% of the adult population in Wales smoke tobacco; but it is also estimated that 68% of smokers actually want to give up! This provides employers with a fantastic opportunity to engage their staff about smoking, raising awareness of the health, social and financial impacts, and helping to support them to quit.
Call: 0800 085 2219
National No Smoking Day - 2nd Wednesday of every March
World No Tobacco Day - End of May every year