Stay out of the heat
- Try to stay indoors or in the shade, especially between 11am and 3pm
- Avoid outdoor activities such as sport, DIY or gardening. If this is not possible, do it early in the morning or later in the evening.
- Use at least sun protection factor (SPF) 30 sunscreen with at least 4-star UVA protection.
- Wear clothes that provide sun protection such as long-sleeved tops or other light-coloured, loose-fitting clothes
- Wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face, eyes, head and ears and sunglasses to protect your eyes.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot and sugary drinks because they can dehydrate you.
Keep your home cool
- Close blinds and curtains on windows that are in direct sunlight during the day.
- Move to a cooler part of the house, especially for sleeping.
- Open windows (if it is safe to) when the air feels cooler outside than inside, for example at night, and try to get air flowing through your home.
- Use electric fans if the air temperature is below 35°C (above this temperature, they may not help to cool the space), but do not aim the fan directly at your body as this can lead to dehydration.
- Check that any heating is turned off.
- Turn off lights and electrical equipment that are not in use.
- Go outside if it is cooler in the shade.
Look out for others
- Check on family, friends and neighbours. Keep an eye on children, babies, older people, people who are ill or those who live on their own.
- Make sure that babies, children, older people and pets are not left alone in parked cars or other closed spaces.
- If you are concerned about yours or someone else’s symptoms seek medical advice by contacting NHS 111. In an emergency dial 999.
If you have a health problem
- You should continue taking all of your prescribed medicines unless advised not to by a health professional.
- Some medicines need to be stored below 25°C or in the fridge (check the instructions on the packet)
If you or others feel unwell
- Tell someone if you feel ill.
- Move to a cool place to rest.
- Have cold food and drinks but avoid alcohol, caffeine, hot and sugary drinks because they can dehydrate you.
- If you are concerned about yours or someone else’s symptoms get medical advice by contacting NHS 111. In an emergency dial 999.