Leaders from across the whole of the public sector came together alongside third sector partners at a seminal event to agree a way forward on priority areas for action to prevent ill health.
The Building a Healthier Wales event in Cardiff on Tuesday 12 March saw delegates from health, policing, housing and local government, and the third sector exploring how organisations can work together to effect change in Welsh society.
Achieving this, and ensuring the successful implementation of A Healthier Wales, will require all of us across public services, and with our partners in the third sector and private sector, to work collectively and galvanise our assets to have the greatest impact on improving health and well-being through a stronger focus on prevention and early intervention.
How we work together and use our collective assets to enable this shift, focusing on a number of evidence-based, joint priorities that will make the greatest impact on improving health, will be pivotal in transforming health and well-being in Wales.
The discussion was informed by a brand new paper which outlines priority areas for preventative action.