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As part of the Act, Public Health Wales is required to report and share our progress on how our services are doing, and how we are fulfilling our obligations to the Duty of Quality. We report this information in a number of ways:

  • Committee and Board papers – Annual reports and progress reports are regularly presented to our difference Committees and at Board level
  • Data and Statistics – Our observatory team provides a library of documents with detailed reports on a wide range of topics
  • Immunisation Surveillance-  Up-to-date data on immunisation uptake within Wales
  • Covid-19 – Access to the latest statistics on Covid-19 rates in Wales
  • Team Data – Categories include; Health Intelligence, Screening, Congenital Anomalies, Healthcare Associated Infections, Immunisation, Diseases and Infections, Cancer, and Antimicrobial Resistance


Committee and Board Performance Papers

Quality, Safety, and Improvement Committee